BC Women’s Hospital & Health Centre received designation as a Baby-Friendly Hospital on November 4th, 2008.
Marianne Brophy, co-chair of the Breastfeeding Committee for Canada presented a plaque to Pam O’Sullivan, VP of Acute Care and members of the BC Women’s BFI Steering Committee. BC Women’s began the journey a number of years ago and with the oversight of the Steering Committee has guided staff in achieving best practices to achieve the Baby-Friendly designation.
BC Women’s joins GR Baker Hospital in Quesnel as being the two hospitals in BC having this designation. BC Women’s is the largest hospital in Canada to be designated as Baby-Friendly.
Listing of designated institutions in BC, including press releases
Learn more about the BFHI designation
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Fall 2008 Edition
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January 2008
Congratulations to GR Baker Hospital in Quesnel on achieving BFHI designation! GR Baker is Canada's first hospital west of Ontario to achieve this designation. Listing & press release.
June 2004
The BCC has endorsed a new document: Breastfeeding Definitions, Data Collection Periods and Algorithm.
The BC Reproductive Care Program oversees the Provincial Perinatal Database in BC (all hospitals providing maternity care participate in the data base/collection of information). As of April 1 of this year data recorded in BC will reflect the new BCC Breastfeeding definitions. Upon discharge from hospital, data on exclusive breastfeeding will be captured in the data base. Up to this time the data only included the fact that the infant received 'breastmilk' during the hospital stay (this could be either exclusive or mixed feedings). This means that when we report provincial data in the coming years we should be able to reflect the exclusive rates for breastfeeding at discharge in BC - this is exciting news!
View memo from BCC regarding the new definitionsPDFOctober 2003
Deputy Minister Penny Ballem wrote to the CEO's of all the Health Authorities in BC, introducing the BC Baby Friendly Network and encouraging the Health Authorities to work with the BCBFN to promote breastfeeding, and pursue the Baby-Friendly designation.
Read the letterPDF