The theme for the 2006 event was "Code Watch - 25 Years of Protecting Breastfeeding"
Each year, the BCBFN collates a variety of materials to assist you in planning your World Breastfeeding Week Event.
From posters, to brochures to power point presentations, there's something here for all your WBW needs!
We hope you find these materials helpful and welcome your feedback.
The international code of marketing of breast-milk substitutes - Frequently asked questionsPDF - published by the World Health Organization
World Breastfeeding Week QuizMS Word Developed by Breastfeeding Matters in Kamloops. Edit and adapt for your health region!
The following resources were contributed by students from the Douglas College Breastfeeding Counsellor Certificate Course:
A Grandma's Brief Guide to Breastfeeding in the 21st CenturyPDF - tips for grandmothers supporting a breastfeeding family.
Breast is Best - Powerpoint Presentation - great to run on a table as part of your WBW display.
Massage for the Breastfeeding MotherPDF - a brochure explaining the benefits and basic methods of massage for mother and baby.
Baby Friendly WorkplacePDF - a package of documents which advocate for the development of workplace policies and practices to encourage and support breastfeeding employees and their families.
Useful resources on other sites:
Breastfeeding in an Emergency
INFACT Canada's Factsheet on Breastfeeding Protection and the International CodePDF
INFACT Canada's Factsheet on Decoding AdvertisingPDF
World Health Organization Child Growth Standards (released April 2006)