bc baby-friendly network

promoting breastfeeding and the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative TM in British Columbia

help Terms of Reference
The BC Baby-Friendly Network is a multidisciplinary committee of health care providers, ministry representatives, and consumers interested in protecting, promoting, and supporting breastfeeding. The Minister of Health and the Minister for Children and Families have designated the BC Baby-Friendly Network as the implementation committee for the Baby-Friendly Initiative in British Columbia.

Members of the committee determine the chair of the BC Baby-Friendly Network. Membership is open to relevant organizations or groups interested in working toward a Baby-Friendly province. Meetings are held quarterly. Additional meetings may be called when the need arises.

The BC Baby-Friendly Network will:

  1. Act as the designated implementation committee for the Baby-Friendly Initiative in British Columbia.
  2. Promote breastmilk as superior to breastmilk substitutes and promote breastfeeding as the norm for feeding infants.
  3. Share information about strategies to support initiation and maintenance of breastfeeding and decrease barriers to breastfeeding.
  4. Promote societal awareness and support for women initiating and continuing breastfeeding, anytime, anywhere.
  5. Work toward implementing and maintaining strategies that support breastfeeding women in the communities in which they live and work.
  6. Encourage education of health care workers and support other relevant activities to promote the Baby-Friendly Initiative.
  7. Encourage governments at all levels to work towards effective monitoring and implementation of the International Code of Marketing Breastmilk Substitutes and the WHO/UNICEF Ten Steps to the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative.
  8. Foster dialogue between the ‘Network’ and the British Columbia public in providing up-to-date information to promote, protect and support breastfeeding across the province.
  9. Membership on breastfeeding subcommittees and as committee chairs will be for a two year term at which time it will be reviewed.